As I have touched on in previous posts, parenthood is an art — in the sense that it can be time-consuming, emotionally draining, and stressful. However, just like good art, the parenting process usually leads to overwhelming feelings of passion and accomplishment as you and your child form an irreplaceable bond.

Every parenting experience is a little bit different, as every parent/child bond is unique, but there are several ways you can ensure you are becoming the best parent possible.

Here are a few more ways to be a great parent.


Be a role model

Young children tend to learn the best through example, and therefore you should focus on being the best role model possible. Do your best to exemplify good moral values like affection, empathy, and understanding. Additionally, set a good example of how to handle various life situations, such as challenging and stressful moments. If you approach these times with poise and collectiveness, your child will quickly associate them with such a demeanor. Generally, your child will likely catch on to your good habits and adopt them for his or herself as he or she grows older.


Talk with other parents

A good way to hone your parenting style is to observe that of other parents. Make friends with the parents of your child’s playmates, or talk with other parents in your family (including your own); they may be able to provide you with invaluable information that you can integrate into your own approach. Conversely, you may come across a parent who deals in methods that you do not agree with, and these conversations can help you make this distinction — just make sure you are being respectful of different ideologies.


Savor every moment
Every moment with your child is important in some way, whether it is a simple trip to the playground or an in-depth talk about why gravity exists. Make sure to keep a record — both a mental and physical one — of your experiences as you forge your bond. Sentimental moments, in particular, are key for developing irreplaceable memories that both you and your child will likely cherish forever, and it is up to you to make sure they are remembered. Even the exhausting moments will become memorable, in a strange way.